Security Tips
Here are some helpful Links for you to review. Click on the links below for more information how you can become more security minded. Classroom tips you can go over with your students as well as personal property protection. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email us directly and someone will get back to you.
Remember, ALWAYS call 911 in an emergency
Safety - Best Practice Tips
Portable Classrooms
1. Locate them in a well lit area.
2. Eliminate sight-line barriers.
3. Use an alarm system, especially if the buildings house TV's, VCR's, and computers.
4. Reduce visibility into the structure.
5. Provide communications with the main office ( e.g. PA, phone, radio, or other communicationdevice/system).
6. Provide covered walkways.
7. Use volunteers or support staffto monitor the grounds around the portable.
8. Use the "buddy system" for younger students when they must go to and from the portables.
9. Each portable should be connected to the school's fire alarm system.
10. A fully charged fire extinguisher should be in each classroom.
11. Regularly inspect the steps leading to the portable, looking for loose steps or other obstructions, etc.
12. It is strongly recommended that the door(s) be locked, even when classes are in session.
13. Close blinds and/or curtains at the end of the school day - performs a deterrent effect.
14. Turn off unnecessary A/C units when not in use.
15. Ensure at least one "anti-theft/burglary" sticcker affixed to each portable door (may be acquired from your Security Serivces department).
1. DO NOT leave purses, wallets, or other small personal (easily concealable) property out in the open. Secure valuables in a desk or cabinet or other lockable area.
2. Do not leave computer disks or CD's where they can be stolen or easily removed.
3. Do not leave or place valuable items near or close to open windows or doors.
4. Keep a record of property descriptions, model numbers, and serial numbers - just in case.
5. Maintain strict control of your keys.
6. Mark or engrave personal property with your initials and last four digits of your social security number (or driver's license number).
Protect Yourself
1. Always be aware of your surrounding.
2. Carry your purse or briefcase close to your body.
3. Do not flaunt cash or jewelry - and only bring that which is needed at school.
4. Do not spend time fumbling for your keys - have your keys ready to use when approaching your vehicle, home, office, etc.
5. If you are planning to work late, try to avoid parking far away from your work location and in an unlighted area. If necessary, prior to the end of the normal work day or darkness, take a break and move your vehicle closer to your work location and in a well lit area.
6. If you think or get the feeling that someone is looking at you, following you, etc., follow your instincts - take evasive action, walk briskly across the street, go back into a secure area, if in a vehicle, drive directly to a police station, etc.
7. Never feel reluctant to call Security or law enforcement if you feel unsafe.
8. Try and use the "buddy system" when working late or arriving early.
9. Vary your daily routine.
10. Walk with purpose - head up and move away from suspicious persons. Do not look like a victim.
11. Someimtes a "confrontation" is unavoidable - be prepared to minimize your risk of injury. Be willing to give up your valuables. A purse, wallet, cash or jewellry is NOT worth fighting for and risk being injured mentally note your assailant's appearance and or worse. If confronted, attempt to remain calm and mentally note your assailant's appearance and mode and direction of travel. As soon as possible/practical call 911. Quick action in notifying th police increases their chances of apprehending the suspect(s) and recovering your property.
10 Tips for Better Building Security
1. Lock all exterior doors that are not being used for activities.
2. Lock all interior areas containing expensive (unique) equipment.
3. Ensure all door and window locks are in good working order.
4. Challenge all unknown personnel in your building.
5. Immediately report stolen or missing school keys.
6. Keep trees and shrubs trimmed so that windows and doors are not blocked.
7. Ensureyour exterior lights are working properly.
8. Secure all (allowable) exterior gates and entrances.
9. Draw and close window shades/blinds at night to prevent easy "casing" by would-be burglars.
10. Ensure that all HCPS property is properly marked