Safety Matters - Helpful Safety Hints
Principals formulate individual school safety plans using samples from the district emergency plan to address potential hazards or crises at their site.All schools and sites have an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) and a minimum of four trained operators. All administrators, teachers, and bus drivers have emergency action checklists.
It is each school’s responsibility to remain proactive by promoting a learning environment free of crime, violence, discrimination, and the effects of drugs and alcohol.
School Security Services provides 24-hour-a-day protection and service to the school community. Its officers are well equipped and prepared to handle school site disruptions, threats to school personnel, trespassers, property damage, theft, vandalism, and burglary.School Security Officers also conduct random metal detection searches in our schools on a regular basis. In addition, officers provide counsel and general guidance on safety and security measures and concerns. School Security has Officers permanently assigned to 58 school sites.
Law enforcement officers from the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office and the Tampa Police Department are permanently assigned to secondary schools and some elementary schools. These officers perform general law enforcement duties, present law-related education programs, attempt to identify students displaying early signs of delinquency, and serve as a referral resource for students, faculty, and parents.EMERGENCY REUNIFICATION SITES
Each school has identified reunification sites for emergency evacuation. These sites are the nearest public school or the nearest community site. Parents will receive that information from the school in a letter or newsletter. In the event of an emergency evacuation, specific information will be provided by local news organizations.HCPS Policy 5500